NOTE: Week 6 will be a double-length session, since Week 7 clashes with the Political Economy mini-conference. As a result, there is no field seminar meeting on Mar 12. Instead, the Week 6 (Feb 26) will last from 9-13:00.
The Michigan Model, Professor Michael Marsh
This is classically presented in A. Cambell et al The American Voter, which is available via Google online. Critical chapters are 2, 6 and 7.
Week 8: The impact of referendums (MG)
Lawrence LeDuc, T_he Politics of Global Democracy: referendums in global perspective_. Peterborough Ontario: Broadview Press, 2003
Matt Qvortrup, A_ Comparative Study of Referendums: Government by the People_, 2nd ed (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005).
Week 5 : (30 Oct) Raj Chari: Interest Groups in the EU
Frank Baumgartner and Beth L. Leech. 2001. “Interest Niches and Policy Bandwagons: Patterns of Interest Group Involvement in National Politics.
The Field Seminar B course handout is available here, although we are still working out the content and some of the topics for later sessions.
The first four weeks look like this:
Note: The latest version of the course handout is available from That version lacks the hyperlinks to the readings below, however.
The meeting time and place is Friday 10-13:00, College Green 4, starting 3 October 2008.
March 7 – Campaign Finance and the Effects of Spending Required:
Jacobson, Gary C. 1978. “The Effects of Campaign Spending in Congressional Elections."American Political Science Review 72 (June): 469-91.
Kenneth Benoit and Michael Marsh.
Week 2: Electoral System Origins Colomer, Josep M. (2004). “The Strategy and History of Electoral System Choice”. In Josep M. Colomer (Ed.), Handbook of Electoral System Choice, pp. 3-78. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.