Readings for Field Sem. B – Autumn 2007

Week 2: Electoral System Origins

Colomer, Josep M. (2004). “The Strategy and History of Electoral System Choice”. In Josep M. Colomer (Ed.), Handbook of Electoral System Choice, pp. 3-78. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (photocopied)

Birch, Sarah, Frances Millard, Marina Popescu, and Kieran Williams (2002). Embodying Democracy: Electoral System Design in Post-Communist Europe. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch 1. (photocopied)

Week 3: Electoral System Consequences

Gallagher, Michael and Paul Mitchell. 2005. “Introduction to Electoral Systems.” In Michael Gallagher and Paul Mitchell, eds., The Politics of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp3-24. (photocopied)

Cox, Gary W. 1997. Making votes count: strategic coordination in the world’s electoral systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Duverger, Maurice. 1959. Political parties: Their organization and activity in the modern state. Second English Revised ed. London: Methuen & Co. Book II, Chapter 1, “The Number of Parties.” (photocopied)

Duverger, Maurice. 1986. “Duverger’s Law: Forty Years Later”. In Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences, edited by B. Grofman and A. Lijphart. New York: Agathon Press. (photocopied)

Gallagher, Michael. 1991. “Proportionality, disproportionality, and electoral systems.” Electoral Studies 10(1): 33-51. (photocopied)

Ordeshook, Peter, and Olga Shvetsova. 1994. “Ethnic heterogeneity, district magnitude, and the number of parties.” American Journal of Political Science 38(1): 100-123. (JSTOR)

Ken Benoit
Ken Benoit
Professor of Computational Social Science
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