Computer-Assisted Text Analysis (Essex Summer School)
This concerns the short course I am teaching at the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, University of Essex, from 11-22 July 2011.
Day 1: Introduction to Computer-Assisted TextAnalysis
Day 2: Textual Data, Sampling, and Working with Texts
- Class Assignment 1 and the files you need for it.
Day 3: Descriptive Inference from Text
Day 4: Research Design issues in textual studies
Day 5: Classical Quantitative Content Analysis
Day 6: Automated dictionary-based approaches
- Class Assignment 4
- The file LaverGarryAJPS.ykdused in Assignment 4.
Day 7: Dictionary Construction; Words as Data Approaches
- Class Assignment 5
- The file iebudget2010.zipused in Assignment 5.
- Class Assignment 6
- The file LBGexample.csvused in Assignment 6.
- Assignment 6 solution in Excel and SPSS.
Day 10: Additional Scaling Issues
- No lab assignment but we will go through the budget speech example using this code: Assignment_8.r.